Medical Educator Pathway

Medical Educator Pathway

During your first year of residency you can elect into this pathway for your second and third year of residency. The Medical Education Pathway (MEP), provides comprehensive and innovative preparation for residents who envision teaching as a major component of their future careers. Participating residents will build an even stronger foundation in educational theory and practice to serve as a spring board for a career as a leader in Internal Medicine education. This is done through hands on teaching of medical students and co-residents in a variety of forums. They will teach in small groups, one on one, practice precepting, intern report, ambulatory morning report, large groups and more. In addition they will complete a project in curriculum design, delivery, or evaluation or other medical education- focused scholarship. Their growth will be overseen by both project and teaching mentors who will observe them and give direct feedback on teaching in addition to their grounding in educational theory.