Visiting Medical Student Elective Program

URM Students

K619: Navigating Care for Marginalized Patients, Populations & Providers is an elective open to internal Einstein students and to visiting medical students, preferentially those who identify as underrepresented in medicine (URM). The elective will provide students with exposure to leadership, as well as didactics which will help them in caring for marginalized populations such as racial/ethnic, sexual and gender minorities, or persons with disabilities. In addition, students will have inpatient and/or outpatient exposure to either dermatology, primary care, or medicine subspecialities.

A requirement of the rotation is that students will complete a case report to submit for publication, to a professional society meeting, or for a Capstone project.

External students will receive a stipend upon completion of the elective.

Dr. Alyson Myers, Course Director

Requirements and stipend/housing information available here