The Big Picture

A person gives birth at a ScreenPlus pilot hospital in New York.

Parent(s) learn how ScreenPlus can find babies with rare health conditions, letting them get treatment as early as possible.

Parent(s) agree to participate in ScreenPlus.

A blood sample is taken from the baby’s heel for routine newborn screening.

No additional blood is collected for ScreenPlus.

Routine newborn screening and ScreenPlus screening tests are done at the NY State Newborn Screening Laboratory.

ScreenPlus test results will be available to the baby’s pediatrician within 30 days after birth.

If the results are normal, they are added to the baby’s routine newborn screening results, which can be accessed by your pediatrician. Most babies will have normal results.

If the results are abnormal, we will contact you and ask you to bring your baby to a local ScreenPlus doctor for additional testing. If a positive result is confirmed, the doctor will work with you and your pediatrician to take care of your baby. Get for more information about test results.