Louise Wolf



Ph.D. in Developmental Biology (2004). University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.



1.        Nazarali, A., R. Puthucode, V. Leung, L. Wolf, Z. Hao and J. Yeung. 2000. Temporal and spatial expression of Hoxa-2 during murine palatogenesis. Cell Mol. Neurobiol. 20:269-290.

2.       Wolf, L.V., J.M. Yeung, J.R. Doucette and A.J. Nazarali. 2002. Coordinated expression of Hoxa2, Hoxd1 and pax6 in the developing diencephalons. Neuroreport 12:329-333. (Cover article).

3.       Castellini, M., L.V. Wolf, B.K. Chauhan, M.W. Kilimann, A. Cvekl and M.K. Duncan. 2005. Palm is expressed in both developing and adult mouse lens and retina. BMC Ophthalmology 5:14.

4.       Yang, Y., L.V. Wolf, and A. Cvekl. 2007 Distinct embryonic expression and localization of CBP and p300 histone acetyltransferases at the mouse A-crystallin locus in lens. J. Mol. Biol. 369:917-926.

5.       Pirity, M.K., W.-L. Wang, L.V. Wolf, E.R. Tamm, N. Schreiber-Agus and A. Cvekl. 2007. Rybp, a polycomb complex-associated protein, is required for mouse eye development. BMC Dev. Biol. 7:39.





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