Graduate Programs in the Biomedical Sciences


Einstein Graduate Student Outcomes & Alumni Statistics

108  Ph.D. Degrees Awarded (2019-2023)
5.9  Years to Degree
2  Average Number of First Author Papers per Graduate
4  Average Number of Papers per Graduate
 55%  Pursuing a Post-Doc

Since the first graduation in 1961, the Graduate Division of Biomedical Sciences has trained more than +1600 students (+1200 Ph.D. and +400 MD-PhD). Our graduates have gone on to practice science or pursue science-related endeavors with the training they receive at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

The PhD program has produced:

  • 5 National Academy of Science Members
  • 2 HHMI investigators
  • 1 Presidential National Medal of Science recipient

Recent PhD graduate positions 

     *Based on 2019-2023 (five-years) PhD Graduate Statistics


Career Development and Einstein Distinguished Scientists

Career Development

Career and Professional Development

The Einstein Career & Professional Development Program (CPD) offers a variety of services to help you make the most of your tenure here. Whether you are just starting out in PhD studies or as postdoctoral researcher or moving on to the next phase in your professional career, we can help.

Distinguished Scientists

Distinguished Scientists

Einstein has a long history of producing groundbreaking scientific discoveries. Einstein faculty have been recognized by prestigious academies for their scientific contributions.



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