Deborah Palliser

Helpful Interference — Dr. Deborah Palliser has been awarded a $2 million grant over five years from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to investigate RNAi, a recently identified method of silencing specific genes, as a potential microbicide against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including genital herpes virus and HIV.  Using an animal model of genital herpes infection, Dr. Palliser will evaluate a panel of RNAi molecules for their ability to silence viral and host genes, and she will determine the effect of any associated host immune responses on RNAi-mediated protection. She also will attempt to identify potential RNAi uptake receptor(s) expressed by vaginal cell surface proteins. This work aims to refine the technology and elucidate the mechanism of RNAi-mediated protection against STIs, with the long-term goal of developing a clinical therapy. Dr. Palliser is assistant professor of microbiology & immunology.