Wei Liu

Insights into Stem Cell Potential — The National Eye Institute has awarded Dr. Wei Liu $2 million over five years to investigate gene regulation of retinal cell generation. Defective generation of mature and functional retinal cells causes developmental abnormalities of the eye, which impair visual function. While stem cell-based therapies provide potential for the regeneration and replacement of damaged cells, understanding the processes involved in the development of mature retinal cells is critical. Dr. Liu and colleagues previously identified three proteins (Six3, Six6 and Otx2) that play essential roles in retinal cell differentiation. Through further investigation, they hope to determine the signals and molecular mechanisms that control the expression of these proteins and the pathways they regulate. They also aim to design novel strategies for generating mature retinal cells from stem cells, such as photoreceptor cells, to model and treat human retinal diseases. Dr. Liu is assistant professor of ophthalmology & visual sciences and of genetics.