WCBS Radio interviews Mahalia Desruisseaux, M.D., on her role in bringing Haitian teen Lovely Ajuste to Montefiore Medical Center to correct a congenital heart defect. Dr. Desruisseaux met Ms. Ajuste while performing relief work in Haiti. After giving Lovely an X-ray, she helped identify a serious heart condition. Working with Gift of Life and Montefiore Medical Center, she joined efforts to bring 15-year-old Lovely to New York to have the defect, essentially a hole in the upper chambers of her heart, surgically corrected. The surgery will be performed by Samuel Weinstein, M.D., at the Children's Hospital at Montefiore on January 12, the one-year anniversary of the earthquakes. Dr. Desruisseaux is assistant professor of pathology and of medicine at Einstein. Dr. Weinstein is director of pediatric cardiothoracic surgery at Montefiore and associate professor of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery at Einstein.

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