The Saul R. Korey Department of Neurology

Moses Division of MMC


The Moses Division is the largest of the three teaching hospitals for the neurology residency program. The hospital has more than 725 beds and is attached directly to the Children's Hospital at Montefiore, the home of the Pediatric Neurology training program.

The inpatient neurology service is divided into three separate teams: general neurology, stroke, and epilepsy, run by dedicated members of the teaching faculty. The Moses Division is also the site of the largest of three consultation services. The hospital is a certified stroke center and the home of the Sleep-Wake Disorders Center.

Residents gain experience seeing neurological disorders in the context of complex medical conditions: there are busy transplant, cardiothoracic surgery, neurosurgery, and oncology services at the Moses Division, in addition to busy Cardiac Care, Intensive Care, Surgical Intensive Care and Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care Units. The hospital also houses a busy interventional neuroradiology program for acute management of patients with stroke and neurovascular malformations.

Residents have the option to participate in many elective rotations at the Moses Division, including EMG/neuromuscular disorders, epilepsy, evoked potentials, intraoperative monitoring and sleep-wake disorder.

Finally, the Moses Division has one of the two resident continuity clinics. Residents attend the same clinic site for all three years of training, learning to manage outpatient neurological problems across many subspecialties of neurology. Dr. Mark J. Milstein is the Program Director of Neurology and the Site Director for resident education at the Moses Division.

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