Gerry Rubin


Color Slides
These are quick to make and give accurate color reproduction; good for half-tones such as autoradiograms. Black and white diagrams have a tendency to come out dark gray on pale yellow, but are certainly usable.
seminar slides; slides;
Film;: Kodak Ektrachrome 50(Tungsten)

Shoot: Using light meter: no filter on camera. Exposure time is accurate for half tones. For originals having a high percentage of white area, the light meter will not give the correct exposure and you must correct by using a longer exposure, for example, two stops longer for a typewritten table (e.g. 1/15 sec. vs. 1/60 sec.). Always shoot a range - one stop on each side of what you judge to be the correct exposure.

Development: E6 procedure. Ziba does two runs a day, Monday ­ Friday: 9:30 - 1 pm and 12 noon - 4 pm.
Presto Prints (on Telegraph) does processing with a two-hour turnaround and is open on weekends. Latest time for having film developed that day is 3:30p.m.

2. White on blue slides
Good for black and white diagrams. Can also get some additional colors:
Original Slide
black white
white dark blue
dark red light blue
dark green pink
light blue light purple

Film: Kodak SO-279 veracolor slide film.

Shoot: A range from f8 - f11 with a 1 sec exposure with our camera setup. Use HOYA 85B and Nikon Y52 filters.

Development: C-41 processing to negatives takes about 1 hour at Ag Photo (Shattuck Center across from Andronico's) ~$3/36 exp roll.

3. Computer slides on slide maker
Using a computer program that alows you to save in PICT format (Dreams, Canvas, MacDraw, but not Word), make your diagram and save a copy as a PICT file. Follow instructions in Imager manual to print slides on Slidemaker.