Todd Laverty


fly food;

1) Prepare the following mixture:

water 14,000 ml
molasses, unsulfured 1,000 ml
agar 148 g
cornmeal 1,000 ml
yeast, baker's 412 g

Note: If the cornmeal and yeast are mixed together dry, you will have fewer problems dissolving the yeast in the water.

2) Boil for 10 minutes.

3) Turn off the heat and slowly add:

(10% (w/v) methyl p-hydrobenzoate
in 95% ethanol) 225 ml
propionic acid 80 ml

4) Mix well and begin pumping.

5) This recipe yields approximately 10,000 ml of food, enough for 1,000 vials or 200 bottles.

References: Wirtz, R. A. and H. G. Semey, DIS 58: 176-180.