Recent Graduates

Congratulations on your wonderful achievement. The office of student finance is committed to supporting you with current and relevant information regarding your loans. We have calculators, repayment charts and strategies that will help you make informed decisions regarding repaying your loans. Please find some useful links below.

Einstein and B.H. Homan Loan Repayment Information

Einstein Loan

For those students who showed need, Einstein made available to them an annual loan of $8,500. It is interest free during medical school. No payments are due until 4 years after graduation. Interest will be deferred during this period. The loan must be repaid, with interest, over a 10 year period.

B.H. Homan Loan

For those students who showed exceptional need, Einstein made available to them a Homan Loan. The Homan Loan is interest free and payment free during medical school, and for three years after graduation. Starting with the fourth year post-graduation, repayment begins, on a quarterly basis with 4% interest accruing. This loan is payable over 10 years.


If you are experiencing financial difficulties which prevent you from making timely payments on your student loan, you may be eligible for a forbearance arrangement. Forbearance is provided as an alternative to regular monthly payments for borrowers and is available for a twelve-(12) month period.